Saturday, June 25, 2011

Oh 2011, You Can Just Go...

Alright, so, it hasn't been the greatest year for me. While graduating college and doing the Camino de Santiago were great accomplishments and life-changing, this year has all previous years beat. My Dad is no longer here. He was battling melanoma for who knows how long, and on March 27th he lost. And I lost him for the rest of my life on earth.

However, I actually did not set out to just post a random, depressing vent session. I have been thinking more recently about things I enjoy and skills/interests I would like to develope. Artistic things have been on my mind like drawing and especially photography. But also writing. I enjoy writing. I have been told once or twice that I'm good at it. One space where I can write freely (and randomly, hinthint) is this blog. So, once again, I'm going to try blogging. We'll see if I post more than 2 things this year.

2011, you can just go... get creative!

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