Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

I love springtime! Everything is so fresh and new and lovely and blooming and green! I had a great morning, too. Rach and I went to the sunrise service for Fremont down by the river. There was some great music (including the song "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" by U2!) and great speakers. Plus you can't beat the sunrise over the river. So, Happy Easter everybody!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sometimes I Feel Like...

... an Irish mummy. You know, all "bogged" down. Thank you, thank you, don't forget to tip your waitress! So, I already sort of knew that I was not much of a mulit-tasker but I'm beginning to see just how inflexible I can be! I'm so excited about my new promotion, that I now have my own work phone number and e-mail and desk and computer; but I'm still getting used to my new responsibilities. And now I'm beginning the process of moving! And I'm just a crazy emotional girl anyway! And I'm lazy! Oh well, acknowledging these things is the first step, right?

Ok, so this picture is a little creepy but it's from National Geographic and it fits the topic... sort of...