Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Annual "I Love Springtime" Post

I've been watching it coming for a little while. All of a sudden I was driving down Riverside and there were billions of magnolia trees in bloom! Then it was the daffodils, then the stinky white blossoms outside of my apartment, and camelias! Now it's lilac, tulip, and calla lily time! And as of last Friday, it's my favorite season of the year-- Spring. First of all, Springtime represents new beginnings, which I think is neat. Also, my birthday is in the Spring (more about that later!). But really, my favorite thing about Spring is all of the color. The bright, fresh green and the flowers of all different types. It just looks pretty! There's no getting around it! Fresh and new and pretty. So, Happy Spring everybody! Go outside and enjoy it!

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